365 research outputs found

    The Effect Of Promotion Type And Benefit Congruency On Brand Image

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    Sales promotion is a communication device increasingly used by companies due to its capacity to produce an immediate sales increase. However, although these activities generate good short- term results, they may also have side effects on the customers’ assessment of the promoted brands. The purpose of this paper is to delve into the effects of promotions on the expected product price and brand image. The results of the study reveal that the frequent use of promotions affect consumers’ evaluations of brand image, but the effect depends on the type of promotional tool and the product category. The frequent use of price promotions will lower brand image assessments whereas non-monetary promotions lead to higher brand evaluations. These results are moderated by the product category. Moreover, the expected price of a product is lower after frequent monetary promotions

    Analysis of the Twitter communications of the Spanish Armed Forces and State Security Forces: an empirical model

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    Social networks have become a major communication channel for organizations, including those focused on security and defense. This article specifically examines how the Spanish Armed Forces and State Security Forces communicate on Twitter, with the aim of analyzing the factors that influence engagement with their tweets. A model validated with a sample of 14,540 tweets shows the role that a series of variables related to rational and emotional communication attributes has. These variables are estimated utilizing techniques such as Python and VBA. Subsequently, a logistic model using IBM SSPS estimates the effect of each variable on the probability that a tweet will lead to more or less engagement. The results show that followers of military accounts, such as the Army, tend to have higher rates of interaction than followers of other accounts, even though military accounts have fewer total followers than police accounts. Furthermore, the results confirm the importance of using both rational and emotional stimuli for a message to be effective. To increase engagement, information provided by organizations should use elements such as hyperlinks, emojis, and photographs, and refer to topics that appeal to individuals’ emotions, such as patriotism


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    En este trabajo se analiza cómo los estados transitorios de ansiedad pueden tener un impacto en el valor que los individuos atribuyen a las marcas en los procesos de compra, teniendo en cuenta tanto el impacto de las emociones como el locus de control. Los resultados de un experimento con 158 estudiantes revelan que las situaciones de ansiedad acompañadas de un locus de control externo, conllevan una reacción afectiva negativa que los individuos tratan de compensar buscando marcas que potencien su lado relacional. También se observa que si la ansiedad es consecuencia de un estímulo positivo donde el locus de control es interno, el individuo siente una menor necesidad de expresión a través del consumo de marcas. Por el contrario, el valor de la marca como elemento de distinción y confianza permaneció invariable frente a los estados anímicos de los individuos

    Intergenerational differences in customer engagement behaviours: An analysis of social tourism websites

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    This paper explores differences among Generations X, Y, and Z in customer engagement behaviours. Specifically, it analyses differences in customer behaviours in social tourism websites and the effects of self-efficacy and satisfaction on these behaviours. On the basis of an empirical study with a sample of 346 social tourism websites users, the results show that, in Generation X, self-efficacy exerts a higher effect on word of mouth than in the other generations. In Generation Y, satisfaction influences information searches and hotel bookings more than for the others. Generation Z is more prone to give referrals than are the other two generations

    Social co-branding: The New Brand Builders.

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    En este trabajo de investigación se propone una estrategia de marca llamada social co-branding, que pretende contribuir a la mejora de la adaptación de las marcas corporativas a los medios digitales. Social co-branding promueve la alianza de marcas tradicionales con aquellas nacidas producto de las redes sociales -marcas personales- y marcas “sin ánimo de lucro”. Se ha conducido un experimento por medio de cuatro encuestas, dirigidas a cuatro grupos homogéneos diferentes de 30-40 personas cada uno. Los datos obtenidos sostienen que las marcas personales son las principales beneficiadas de esta estrategia, por lo que puede considerarse el social co-branding como una buena oportunidad de crecimiento para nuevas empresas que buscan introducirse en mercados muy concentrados. Por otra parte, esta situación dominante por parte de las marcas personales puede hacer que las nuevas empresas no vean el social-cobranding como una estrategia sostenible a largo plazo. Como conclusión, los resultados del estudio empírico aportan evidencia de lo importante que es hoy en día para las marcas tradicionales disponer de una amplia red de networking online (vía alianza con marcas personales) y ser capaces de desarrollar una buena política de responsabilidad social corporativa (vía alianza con marcas sin ánimo de lucro)

    The impact of gamified loyalty programmes on customer engagement behaviours. A hotel industry application

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    Purpose: This paper aims to examine the differential effects of gamified loyalty programmes and conventional loyalty programmes on customer engagement behaviours. Design/methodology/approach: A 2 × 2 × 2 experiment was conducted that manipulated gamification (gamified vs non-gamified), reward levels (high vs low) and reward type (economic vs social). Data collected from a sample of 315 individuals were analysed through partial least squares and tests of means. Findings: Gamification can improve the attractiveness of loyalty programmes by influencing perceptions of playfulness and reward satisfaction. In fact, gamification lowers the importance that customers attach to reward levels. As a result, customers perceive higher hedonic and utilitarian value, which positively influences their engagement behaviours. Originality/value: To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is one of the first studies to attempt to empirically analyse whether incorporating gamification into loyalty programmes influences customer engagement behaviours in the hospitality context

    Analysing teamwork in higher education: an empirical study on the antecedents and consequences of team cohesiveness

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    Uno de los factores más importantes del trabajo en equipo es la cohesión entre sus miembros. Sin embargo, escasos trabajos analizan sus antecedentes y consecuencias. El presente estudio utiliza el modelo Input-Process-Output para analizar el impacto de factores individuales y de la tarea sobre la cohesión del equipo, así como la influencia de la cohesión del equipo sobre la eficacia del mismo. En base a una encuesta a 160 alumnos que realizaron trabajos en grupo, los resultados muestran que el grado de cooperación y el comportamiento colaborativo tienen una influencia positiva en la cohesión del equipo, mientras que la carga de trabajo y la complejidad de la tarea tienen una influencia negativa en la misma. Además, la cohesión del equipo influye positivamente en el aprendizaje percibido, la satisfacción con el trabajo en equipo y la calidad esperada. Finalmente, tanto el aprendizaje percibido como la calidad esperada predicen la satisfacción con el trabajo en equipo.One of the most important components of effective teamwork is cohesiveness. However, few empirical studies on the antecedents and consequences of group cohesiveness exist. In response to this gap, the current study draws on the Input-Process-Output model of team effectiveness to investigate the impact of individual and task factors on team cohesiveness, as well as the influence of team cohesiveness on students’ perceived learning, satisfaction with teamwork, and expected quality in the outcome. Based on a survey of 160 undergraduate students who worked in groups, the findings show that cooperativeness and collaborative behaviour have a positive influence on team cohesiveness, while workload and task complexity have a negative influence on it. Additionally, team cohesiveness is positively related to perceived learning, satisfaction with teamwork, and expected quality. Finally, both perceived learning and expected quality predict satisfaction with teamwork

    Las Fuerzas Armadas en Twitter: un análisis de contenido

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    Twitter constituye uno de los canales de comunicación normalmente empleados por los Ejércitos. En particular, en este trabajo se analizan todos los tuits que las Fuerzas Armadas Españolas (FAS) publicaron en 2021 desde 29 cuentas oficiales. Partiendo de una base total de 16.308 tuits, en el trabajo se muestra el engagement o interacción del público objetivo en general y para cada una de las cuentas objeto de estudio. De manera detallada, también se analizan los hashtags, los términos más habituales y las principales temáticas de los tuits, mostrando qué temas generan una respuesta más favorable. Para ello se recurre principalmente al lenguaje de programación Python, utilizando librerías especializadas para el análisis de contenido. En general, los resultados confirman el interés de los ciudadanos en las publicaciones de las FAS, si bien algunas cuentas y temáticas acaparan mayor interés. Entre estas temáticas se incluyen las alusiones a España y sus símbolos, la instrucción y las operaciones militares, los valores, las conmemoraciones y las actuaciones en materia naval y aérea

    Projeto de empreendedorismo e literacia financeira: um projeto de investigação ação para valorização da escola e da sua comunidade

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    Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Didáticas Integradas em Língua Portuguesa, Matemática, Ciências Naturais e SociaisEste projeto pretende refletir e analisar o desenvolvimento de competências associadas ao empreendedorismo em alunos do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico que potencializem o desenvolvimento nos alunos de competências associadas ao empreendedorismo. A problemática central desta investigação encontra-se sintetizada na seguinte questão: Em que medida um projeto curricular integrado, visando o empreendedorismo, pode contribuir para centrar a escola numa comunidade? As transformações propostas pelo Projeto E.L.F estão assentes no funcionamento do elo entre escola e comunidade. Os objetivos gerais do estudo em torno desta problemática prendem-se com a possibilidade de (i) verificar se a identificação de valores associados ao empreendedorismo podem ser aceites pela comunidade e pela escola, (ii) determinar se as experiências associadas ao empreendedorismo contribuem para o desenvolvimento pessoal dos alunos, (iii) averiguar se existe uma maior valorização do percurso escolar dos alunos, decorrentes da aplicação do projeto, por parte dos encarregados de educação e, finalmente, (iv) investigar se a escola, a partir da aplicação do projeto, passa a ser mais valorizada pela comunidade, assumindo nela um novo protagonismo. Este estudo aproxima-se da metodologia de investigação-ação, no paradigma socio-crítico e incide numa amostra de 37 alunos de duas turmas de escolas de aldeia, com mais de um ano de escolaridade. Para a realização do estudo recorrer-se-á a uma metodologia predominantemente qualitativa, em que se procurará fazer uso de diferentes fontes de informação e também diferentes técnicas de recolha de dados. Os resultados obtidos vão no sentido de demonstrar que a aplicação do Projeto E.L.F. foi geradora de uma dinâmica local, construindo uma teia de conexões que resultaram numa grande valorização da escola e das comunidades onde estas se inserem. As experiências associadas ao empreendedorismo contribuíram para o desenvolvimento pessoal dos alunos e valorização das raízes locais o que resultou numa diminuição do insucesso escolar. É possível perceber que os alunos se tornaram mais conscientes das etapas necessárias a percorrer para a obtenção de sucesso no processo de tomada de decisão, a nível do seu futuro pessoal e académico, contribuindo para um esbatimento das desigualdades sociais levando a uma maior justiça social.ABSTRACT This project aims to link the development of skills associated with entrepreneurship in students of the infant and junior schools that enhance the development in students skills associated with entrepreneurship. The central issue of this research is summarized in the following question: "To what extent an integrated curriculum project, aiming entrepreneurship, can help to focus the school in a community?" The changes proposed by Projeto E.L.F. are based on the operation of the link between school and community. The general objectives of the study around this issue relate to the possibility to check the identification of values associated with entrepreneurship can be accepted by the community and the school, to determine whether the experiences associated with entrepreneurship contribute to the personal development of students, find out if there is a greater appreciation of the school career of students, resulting from the implementation of the project, by the parents and finally to investigate whether the school, from the application of the project, becomes more valued by the community. 11 This study will be to develop a logic of research-action, socio-critical paradigm and focuses on a sample of 37 students from two village schools in classes with more than one degree. For this study a predominantly qualitative methodology will be applyed, in which they seek to make use of different sources of information and different data collection techniques. The results go to demonstrate that the application of Projeto E.L.F. was generating a local dynamic, building a web of connections that resulted in a large enhancement of school and the communities where they are located. The experiences associated with entrepreneurship contributed to the personal development of students and enhancement of local roots which resulted in a decrease in school failure. You can see that students have become more aware of the steps required to go to achieve success in the decision making process at the level of their personal and academic future, contributing to a blurring of social inequalities leading to greater social justic

    Relación entre la asistencia a la guardería e infecciones respiratorias. Estudio observacional restrospectivo.

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    Las infecciones respiratorias en la edad pediátrica (0-14 años) son en su mayoría de origen viral. Constituyen un factor de riesgo directo para padecer sibilancias en la época lactante (0-2 años) y asma en época escolar (6-10 años). La asistencia a guardería es un factor de riesgo indirecto relacionado con este hecho y descrito en multitud de estudios, aunque existen discrepancias, ya que en algunos trabajos lo describen como factor protector. Dado que las condiciones ambientales que encontramos en guarderías (clases cerradas, multitud de niños, interacción entre todos los alumnos...) favorecen la transmisión de los virus causantes de infecciones respiratorias y esto podría ser un factor de riesgo para desarrollar infecciones respiratorias de vías bajas y asma, podría existir una relación entre la asistencia a guardería y la incidencia de asma.Infectious diseases occupy more than half of the reasons for consultation in pediatrics, highlighting respiratory infection (70%). Most cases are benign and affect the upper respiratory tract, although a not insignificant part (5%)(1) may involve the lower respiratory tract, being one of the most important causes of mortality in childhood worldwide( two) Respiratory infections in children (0-14 years) are mostly of viral origin (2). They constitute a direct risk factor for wheezing in the infancy (0-2 years)(3) and asthma in school (6-10 years)(4). Nursery attendance is an indirect risk factor related to this fact and described in many studies (3,5,6), although there are discrepancies, since some studies describe it as a protective factor. Given that the environmental conditions found in nurseries (closed classes, crowds of children, interaction between all the students...) favor the transmission of viruses that cause respiratory infections and this could be a risk factor for developing lower respiratory tract infections and asthma, there could be a relationship between child care attendance and the incidence of asthma